Monday, January 13, 2020


Do you know this cool kid process where you pick a word
 to focus on for an entire year
instead of making a structured resolution?
I have a few friends who do this and last year 
I was intrigued enough to do it myself.
You can read a little bit about last year's words here and here 
or you can search this blog for anything with the hashtag #thrive.

I love words and I believe they matter on an almost magical level.
Energy in, energy out-
the words you use to describe a feeling or a situation shapes the story.
Still....I had a hard time settling into this process, 
picking something that feels just right
can turn me into Goldilocks.  
Thank goodness for the gifts of the internet.  
Online thesaurus' and google really make this more manageable.

So what's the word for 2020?


Here are a few steam of conscious thoughts about PRACTICE:
Something you do for fun
To get better at something
a verb and a noun
a meditation
a type of play that prepares you 
they way to excellence
where you can fail and fail again
how incremental growth and improvement occurs
what shapes a champion
the thing you do repeatedly-even and especially when you don't want to
intentional, sometimes methodical approach
a place where healing and integration occurs
action that brings thoughts into reality

2020 is going to be an incredible year.
I have no hard core facts to support that statement.
I have a little insight into what this year will 
entail but most of it is still a mystery.
Still-it is going to be amazing
in exactly the way that works for my best.
I am eagerly awaiting with the anticipation of a 
4 year old the day before her birthday.
I know with 100% of my being that it will be better than anything 
I am capable of pin-pointing for myself
with a time bound, measurable list of goals.
God will deliver better than any fairy godmother ever could.

I am starting the year by becoming a certified leadership coach
I have no idea what I'll do with that certification-
I just know it's the next right step.
I also know that I give a lot of advice, 
listen to a lot of heartache, 
and I'd love to have more tools in my toolbox to help people.
So that's what I'm doing in the first quarter and
 I'm trusting that the next right step will show up when I'm ready for it.

How do you get ready for something that you're not an expert at?
Or better yet, how do you remain an expert at something?
You don't wake up like work at it.
You fail and you try and you fail and you try.
Until you get a modicum of mastery.
And even masters continue to practice-
yogi master show up on the mat every day and learn 
something new or different.

So that's where I am in 2020.

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