
Thursday, January 10, 2019


It's the time of year where it's easy to take stock of life.
The days are short, the darkness feels everlasting.
It's a natural time of reflection and preparation before the sun comes back.
I've been ruminating about what I want from the coming months and one word keeps rising up.
I want to thrive.
I am a born survivor, I excel at perseverance,  and I have learned to rest.
Thriving though...that implies joie de vivre, dancing and laughing, health and vigor, rest and relaxation, a natural push and pull with a little zip in the motion.
I don't actually know how to do that.
I mean, not for REAL.
I know how to pretend that for a while but consistently living with zest is a mystery to me.
What does it mean to be thrilled to take on a new challenge, open to the gifts that life
sends your way and taking up the whole space available to do that turn around the dance floor?
I am captivated by the idea that I could flourish instead of subsist.
Mostly though, I'm carrying around the understanding that this is what I WANT.
Not what someone else wants for me, 
not what the world told me I should be,
or what my neighbor has.
It's been a long time since I let desire lead me.
I want to thrive more than I wanted a 
cabbage patch doll the Christmas of 1986.
My desire to thrive is a light glowing in the fog, 
a birdhouse in my soul, 
the opening beats to a Queen song.

Setting intentions is good, useful, even great.
It's also proven insufficient in my life.
Hope is not a plan and not much in my life has happened accidentally..
I'm actively taking steps to do do what I understand 'thrive' to mean.
I've invested some time in the formal schedule-
to make sure there's fun but also
to ensure spaces where growing, living, and possibility can happen.
I've got a couple of constant reminders that this is my focus 
I'm doing my best to be deliberate about my physical health-
scheduling gym sessions, eating real food.
My connection with God and myself is growing
and has a morning space set aside just for this purpose.
This intention has lots of support and space within my actual life.
It's going to be an amazing next few months as it unfolds.
I have lived enough to be aware that what you look for, you find-
but not always in the way you imagined finding it.
Thriving may not look like I imagine it.
I want it anyway.
However this plays out in my life, it's going to be worth it.
What are your words or dreams for the next few months or years?
The next round has a lot of possibility.
Get after it.

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